Advocate(s): individuals who praise the business for the correct decisions they made, abudently. In good faith, a business should reward an advocate.
Certificate(s): written legal notice of the ability to conduct business in a certain manner inside and outside of Eonteous.
Sponsorship(s): an individual who receives resources from a donor in good faith. In return, said individual will continue on the path of chosen success.
Honor(s): an individual can bestow a verbal, digital or physical point or title. Honor points can be used to purchase exclusive products. Honor titles are catch-phrases created by users to explain an emotion or phyical feeling that the company gives off.
Award(s): bestowed by Eonteous, users or outside forces to showcase hardwork, integrity, and dedication to the community.
Zero-Point-Energy: energy source that powers the Domain.
Eonteon System: using the most up-to-date technology designed to assist an individual in navigating the society in which he or she resides.
Employee substitute : a highly trained individual who can take the place of a current or abstant employee to deliver or produce a desired threshold of productivity.
Point-of-Eclipse: a point in a person's life that changes their physcial, mental or psychological state forever.
Anit-Dark Design: a design that promotes the user(s) to engage in positive consumer behaviors.
Emotional Bandwith: the amount of varying types of emotions an individual can interpret and express.
Emotional Volumne: the amount of energy a person can exert on themsevles to express a single or multiple emotions.
Sentiment: how an individual expresses emotional-self on a plane falling into Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4.
Fabric:a collection of striations and fibers to form a complete timeline.
Striation: a very short piece of time on a person's timeline.
Joint Resource Allocation: when a collective group of establishments decides to share resources gained from eonteous.
Eonteous: the location where thought, emotion, and self-time exist untouched by the external world.
Cost-Sharing: when a group of establishments agrees to equally seperate costs to purchase a one or more than one item for a specific time period.
Tesseract: when a person completes his or her primary directive, time in Eonteous can transition to a higher state and be utilized in Eonteous.
Time crystal: a resource that can be used to go backwards and forward through ones own timeline in Eonteous.
Point-of-No-Return: a singular point within a person's timeline that will never be able to be altered.
Fiber: a collection of striations forming a larger piece of an individuals timeline.
Sphere: a location where materials and resources can be found.
Focal Network: a place where establishments are given a profile used to quickly express themselves and share information and resources with the community around them.
Arbiter: an overseer of Eonteous.
Pathing: a designed mission, objective, and task list to ensure the highest success rate given the current resources available to the user.
Time-dilation: as a person comes closer to main directive time changes to increase or decrease.
The Domain: the location where the expanse, the echo-plane, and the covenant exist.
Expanse: where all a person's emotions, forms, and natures exist.
Maven: a person who guides.
Covenant: a place where a person is guided and instructed on societal habits, rituals, and norms so that it can engage in relationship forming.