Connecting and improving connections with establishments and community members is what Eonteous is here for.
Eonteous will provide FosterCare and post-adopted youths with the necessary resources to have a succesful integration into society.
Many emancipated foster care and post-adopted youths are not ready for the challenges that society provides. Some of the challenges are political, financial, and social.For example, some do not know how to fill out a job application or shop at a grocery stores.
We believe having a community where you can call home is important. So, Eonteous is focusing on providing the businesses with the rosources to help assist the youths with their transitions.
Eonteous is for everyone. If you or somone you know is struggling with decison making, figuring how to move foward in life, or just simply wants to talk this is the place for them.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at